Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Reading Challenges Update - November
An Unholy Alliance

Publisher: iUniverse
ISBN: 9781440142062
Why Read?: For Fun
Challenges: Show Me the Free
Thoughts: I am really not sure how exactly to categorize this book. It had all the makings of a cozy - amateur sleuth, niche hobby, etc - but some of the side subject matter was much darker than any cozy - alcoholism and incest. There is one point in the middle that it alludes to possible past dectecting exploits, but there were no earlier books that I could find. And the end does not seem open to more in a series. However, having said all that, this is a very well-written mystery and I hope to see more from this author.
Rating: 4 stars
Young Adult Contemporary Challenge Recap

One of my favorite challenges this year was the Young Adult Contemporary Challenge. I knew I read a lot of YA genre fiction, but I never paid attention to how much contemporary I read, too - 13 exactly. I think I will do this one again as it offered a nice change of pace. Here's what I read:
Elsewhere Online: November 2011
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
This Day in the Life

Publisher: Three Rivers
ISBN: 9781400082322
Why Read?: Book Club
Challenges: Borrowed Books
Thoughts: This was different from any book I have read before. Each chapter was a day diary of a different American woman. What I liked better, though, were the shorter chapters that either included just a few hours from the day or one paragraph. Despite the format, it was slow reading.
Rating: 2 stars
Debut Author Challenge Recap

I am not quite finished with the Debut Author Challenge yet, but I think I might make it - after this month, I just need to read 2 more to meet the requirement of 12 books. I really enjoyed reading debut authors, so I will definitely do this in 2012. Here are the 2011 authors I have read so far:
1. Red Riding Hood by Sarah Blakley-Cartwright
2. I Am J by Cris Beam
3. The Time-Traveling Fashionista by Bianca Turetsky
4. Divergent by Veronica Roth
5. The Lens and the Looker by Lory S. Kaufman
6. Falling for Hamlet by Michelle Ray
7. In Zanesville by Jo Ann Beard
8. Bunheads by Sophie Flack
9. The Masterwork of a Painting Elephant by Michelle Cuevas & Ed Young
10. Dearly, Departed by Lia Habel
Monday, November 28, 2011
Gratitude Giveaway WINNER!
YA Series Challenge Recap

I do read a lot of YA series, so the YA Series Challenge was a relatively easy one. What I found a little difficult, though, was that the series had to have at least 3 books in it, and a lot of the series I have read are just starting and only have 1 or 2 books out yet, so I didn't know if they counted or not. I am not sure if I will do this next year or just stick with eh 1st in a Series Challenge and maybe pick up the 2nd in a Series Challenge. For the level I chose of Trying It Out (3-5 books), here's what I read:
Sunday, November 27, 2011
100 Books in a Year Challenge Recap

When I signed up, I had no doubt in my mind I would complete the 100 Books in a Year Challenge. According to Goodreads, I read 150 last year (which I put as my goal this year, but I am falling short), so I knew I could do 2/3rds of that easily (and I can do it again next year). Here is the list:
Saturday, November 26, 2011
1st in a Series Challenge Recap

The 1st in a Series Challenge was definitely one of the easiest I completed this year. I did the easiest level of Series Novice (3 books) and surpassed it three times over. I will definitely participate again and up my level. Here were the titles I read this year for the challenge:
Friday, November 25, 2011
TBR Pile Challenge Recap

The TBR Pile Challenge proved much harder than I thought. I guess the biggest challenge was that I had to create a list for it. If I would have stuck to the list, maybe I would have finished, but sometimes I had to read a book farther down in my TBR pile in order to review the next in the series or, as happened a few times, my book club read it. Even with a month of 2011 left, I highly doubt I will finish this challenge. Here is what I have read so far (I have 8 out of the required 12):
Thursday, November 24, 2011
The Poison Diaries: Nightshade

Publisher: Balzer & Bray
ISBN: 978-06-180242-3
Why Read?: Review
Challenges: Horror & Urban Fantasy, iChallenge
The YA market is currently oversaturated with dark fantasies. In order to stand out, an author has to have a very unique concept. That is exactly what Maryrose Wood, with the help of The Duchess of Northumberland, has with The Poison Diaries trilogy. The first book in the series was a gothic tale of love, plants, and a startling revelations. Nightshade, the middle book of the trilogy, takes an even darker turn, adding murder and political intrigue to the mix.
After recovering from her illness, Jessamine Luxton wakes to find her betrothed, Weed, has fled. Depressed, she goes about her day working as a healer and trying to avoid the voice of Oleander, the Prince of Poisons, in her head. However, it is with his help that she discovers the cause of her illness and her mother’s death. Enraged, Jessamine sets out to poison her father, and ends up killing another man in the process. Now she must disguise herself and flee Northumberland with only Oleander to guide her. Shortly after she leaves, Weed comes back for her only to surmise what she had done. With the plants in England too scared of the prince to tell Weed where Jessamine is, he travels to Italy, to the Orto botanico, the oldest garden. There he falls under the tutaledge of Signora Baglioni, the gardener, a wise and trust-worthy woman interested in Weed’s gift of talking to the plants. But while Weed is bettering himself, Jessamine is falling further under Oleander’s power, possibly past the point of no return.
While The Poison Diaries was dark mostly in an atmospheric sense, Nightshade was dark all around. Jessamine’s life starts off dim and gets darker and darker as she progresses through the blonde healer Jessamine, the auburn embroidery and cosmetics merchant, to the raven-haired poison dealer. Weed’s life, on the other hand, seems to lighten a little once he reaches the Orto botanica and is able to learn more about how to use his gift for good. However, through it all, he still carries the burden of his murderous transgression along with the worry of loosing Jessamine to Oleander. These emotions make for tense, fast-paced reading.
Nightshade was a good I simply could not put down. Maryrose Wood shows great prowess as a storyteller in all aspects of writing. I simply cannot wait to see how The Poison Diaries trilogy ends.
Rating: 5/5
Graphic Novels Challenge Recap
I love graphic novels so I did not expect the Graphic Novels Challenge level I chose, Beginner (3 books), to be so challenging. I did complete it, but I thought for sure I would read more. I do have some still sitting on my shelves, so I will do it again, but at the same level. Here is what I managed to read:
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Audio Book Challenge Recap

I had listened to a few audio books before signing up for the Audio Book Challenge, but this challenge really made me love them. I did manage to meet the level I signed up for, Curious (3 books), and while I did hear 2 more, I am not sure if I will try a higher level next year or not. See, all the books I listened to I had won. Audio books are really hard for me to buy, so I do not want to fail the challenge next year because I did not get as lucky as I did this year. Anyway, here is what I "read":
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Mystery & Suspense Challenge Recap

Even without trying, I do read a good number of mystery and/or suspense books a year, so the Mystery & Suspense Challenge was relatively easy. The thing I kept forgetting was to check back in in order to win the prizes that Book Chick City was offering. As this challenge is to read 12 books, I couldn't got a level higher next year, but I will probably still participate again. Here is what I read this year:
Monday, November 21, 2011
E-Book Challenge Recap

I never really thought I liked ebooks, but having a device to read them on makes them so much better than having to sit at my desk and read PDFs. Once I got the hang of reading them (it is a little different from a physical book), I began to enjoy it, so I easily made the E-Book Challenge goal I chose, Curious (3 books). If there is one for 2012, I will definitely do it and try a higher level. Here are the books I read for the challenge:
Sunday, November 20, 2011
The Poison Diaries

Publisher: Balzer & Bray
ISBN: 978-06-18023602
Why Read?: For Fun
Challenges: Horror & Urban Fantasy, iChallenge
Thoughts: What surprised me the most about The Poison Diaries is how atmospheric it was. The mood was set from the very first page and never strayed. Very dark and intense and a wonderful quick, engaging, and very unique read. The twist at the end was riveting, and I cannot wait to see what happens next.
Rating: 5 stars
Reading Challenge Addict Challenge Update

As the end of the year is approaching, it is time to look at how I did on all the challenges I sign-up for. Since I signed up for so many, when I joined the Reading Challenge Addict Challenge, I chose the highest level, Out of this World (16+) books. Obviously the year is not over yet, so here is where I currently stand with that (ones in bold are completed). I will be talking about each of these challenges individually in the coming month.