Title: Cleopatra: A Life
Author: Stacy Schiff; read by Robin Miles
Publisher: Hachette Audio
ISBN: 9780307877383
Why Read?: For fun
Challenges: Audio Book, Non-Fiction, Mini-Challenge, 100 Books in a Year
Thoughts: This was an interesting biography. However, having read and reported on both Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra and Dryden's All for Love multiple times throughout my college career, I found the second half not nearly as engaging as the first as I already knew the "story". What fascinated me the most where the parts that related more to life at the time rather than specifically Cleopatra's. I am glad I listened to this rather than read as I did so faster, but the track and disc breaks were rather odd, some almost seeming to stop mid-paragraph.
Rating: 3 stars
You know, I've never listened to an audiobook before? But I can see how it could make the book far more interesting. Especially if it moves on the slow side! Thanks for this review :)