Title: Panic Author: Harold Schecter Publisher: Amazon ISBN: n/a
Why Read?: For Fun
Thoughts: So far, the best of the Bloodlands series, focusing on multiple similar gruesome crimes, that happened over the course of a few months in 1939.
Title: Trust Exercise Author: Susan Choi Publisher: Henry Holt ISBN: 9781250309884
Why Read?: For Fun
Thoughts: This books is designed to make you feel off-kilter, which I believe is what Choi was going for, and it definitely makes you ponder a lot at the end, but there still seemed to be something missing to make me enjoy it.
Title: Girl, Stop Appologizing: A Shame-Free Plan for Embrazing and Achieving Your Goals Author: Rachel Hollis Publisher: HarperCollins Leadership ISBN: 9781400209606
Why Read?: For Fun
Thoughts: This book was so not written for me, and that might be why I felt Hollis was very self-aggrandizing.
Title: A Thousand Dances Author: Sara Holliday Publisher: Coral ISBN: n/a
Why Read?: Early Review
Thoughts: Interesting historical mystery, but I think Holliday (who is America) was trying too hard to sound British - especially 60s Mod - that it made reading difficult at points.
Title: Whiskey in a Teacup: What Growing Up in the South Taught Me About Life, Love, and Baking Biscuits Author: Reese Witherspoon Publisher: Simon & Schuster ISBN: n/a
Why Read?: For Fun
Thoughts: Fun, light reading about Southern hospitality, but probably better as a physical book than an audiobook.